Business Writing for Professionals
Writing is a lost art. Find it with our Business Writing for Professionals which teaches you how to write eloquent, concise business correspondence and efficient emails that build your business.
- Writing a better business letter
- Editing
- Grammar helpers
- Email etiquette
- Thank you notes
- Handwritten vs. typed
- Formatting a business letter
- Salutations
- Closings
- Forms of address
- Stationery
- Envelopes
- Writers block
Digital Etiquette
Innovations in communications were supposed to bring us closer together… but are we losing touch? Re-connect with our Digital Etiquette session, and learn to use technology to your advantage, in a way that represents both you and your organization well.
- Email etiquette
- Internet use
- Social media
- Friend and follower etiquette
- Cell phone etiquette
- Selfies and other captures
- Phone skills
- Phone and video conferencing
- Corporate spying
- Authentic connection